Tuesday, January 1, 2013

 Our puppies are 6 weeks old on Jan. 2 and not so patiently posed for New Year's photos.  We kept trying to get some cute shots of them with a party hat, noise maker and lei.  Some were successful, some silly, and all are just adorable.  What do you think?

Massimo isn't going to wear a girl's hat no way. no how!  We took about 15 photos and none came out OK with the party hat on his head.  (Above and below)

Grey girl likes the noise maker and would hold still for an instant if I let her bite it.  She really preferred shredding the foil fringe, so I had to keep taking the shreds out of her mouth so she couldn't swallow them.  (above and below)

 True to her active nature, orange girl preferred dancing (above) and eating the decorations (below), over sitting still and being cute.

 Grey girl is a little princess and loved having her photo being taken.  Do you think this is her good side?  (above) Or how about the fancy hat? (below)

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